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The Curriculum at St Louis

To love, wonder and achieve together

The curriculum we offer is one where children can develop their many talents, as we know the importance of educating the ‘whole’ person. We provide opportunities for all children to achieve their potential by nurturing their special talents and gifts, which make every child unique.

At St Louis Catholic Primary School our intent is to love, wonder and achieve together. By this we mean:

  • We recognise, celebrate and respect everyone’s uniqueness – we are made in God’s image
  • We nurture a lifelong love of learning through a broad and stimulating curriculum that is meaningful and relevant to all children
  • We provide opportunities for curiosity, discovery and a growth mindset to progress ensuring skills learnt are used beyond the classroom
  • We develop and use a range of skills so the children fulfil their academic, spiritual, moral and emotional potential
  • We become confident, independent, resilient and happy learners
  • We work together to be role models to support local and global communities enabling all to care for our common home

In order to achieve this, it is essential that our curriculum and its implementation is:

  • Broad, knowledge rich, inspiring and challenging curriculum for all our pupils which is underpinned by their experiences
  • Purposeful, contextual and meaningful whilst developing an understanding of our community and world
  • Develop understanding by progressively planning and building on previous knowledge, we deliver content and knowledge in small, well-sequenced steps and consistently use questioning and feedback to address misconceptions and move learning forward for all pupils.
  • Foundation subjects are taught through a sequenced, blocked approach, to allow for effective spaced learning which is contextually enriched to provide all our children with knowledge, understanding and opportunity. 
  • Opportunities within the curriculum to celebrate their own and other heritages, similarities and differences and build up knowledge, a sense of ambition and attributes, underpinned by our faith, which will prepare them for their next steps in life are planned for.

Our mission and vision underpin all we do, including our curriculum design and planning. It is essential for children to feel safe, secure and happy in order to achieve. The impact of our curriculum is:

  • They have developed their own talents confidently and looking with enthusiasm to use and apply their skills with success in the next stage of their education.
  • They are thoughtful to all, caring of their world, ambitious in their dreams
  • When children leave St Louis, they will have flourished to fulfil their full potential in all areas.


At St Louis, our curriculum enables us … To love, wonder and achieve together. 


Our curriculum has been designed to help us fulfil our vision for all our children. We ensure that we follow the requirements of the National Curriculum and that we map skills and knowledge out across all year groups in order to build on children's learning year by year and to ensure that learning is sequenced appropriately. Please see link below to read our full curriculum statement of intent.

Curriculum Intent

Further details of our curriculum in each year group can be found below. For information about each subject area, please click on the relevant tab in the Curriculum at St Louis tab. If you have any questions regarding the Curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher. 

Year Group Overviews 

To find out more about the learning taking place in each year group for each of the curriculum subjects including Science, Computing, PSHE, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, PE, Music. 

Please click on the relevant curriculum overview.

Reception Curriculum Overview

Y1 Curriculum Overview

Y2 Curriculum Overview

Y3 Curriculum Overview

Y4 Curriculum Overview

Y5 Curriculum Overview

Y6 Curriculum Overview

Subject areas

Please see links below for our statements of intent for each curriculum area and progression of learning. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher should you require more information about our curriculum.








Art & Design 

Design & Technology 


