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Our school is part of the Catholic Church and is conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with Canon Law and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Clifton and in particular: 

  • Religious education is in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, disciplines and general and particular norms of the Catholic Church. 
  • Religious worship is in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church. 
  • At all times, the school serves as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ 

The school is a member of the Dunstan Multi-academy Catholic Educational Trust which currently comprises 10 primary schools across the counties of Somerset, North Somerset and Wiltshire. Each school has a Local Governing Committee that oversees the school, working especially with staff and the Headteacher.

The Local Governing Committee has up to 10 governors recruited for their skills, knowledge and experience in the following categories: 

  • 6 x Foundation
  • 2 x Staff (including Headteacher)
  • 2 x Parent 

The Local Governing Committee meets six times per year.  The governors also have specific responsibilities for safeguarding, admissions, students with special educational needs, health and safety and designated curriculum areas.

The school's Governing Body is made up of a group of individuals, who work on a voluntary basis. They possess a wealth of skills and experience, and their role is to advise, challenge and help ensure that the school is well led and its achievements move from strength to strength. The Governing Body work in partnership with Mrs Biles-Wood, our Headteacher. Together they have a responsibility and commitment to the safety and welfare of the children at the school. They also help determine the strategic direction of the school, set priorities for development and perform an ongoing monitoring role to ensure the best outcomes for every child. 

Our Chair of Governors is Sally Burt. All our governors can be contacted through the clerk at the school at stlouisfrome.clerk@sl.thedcet.com


Scheme of Delegation

Please follow this link to find the scheme of delegation: Governance | The Dunstan Catholic Educational Trust (thedcet.com)


Our Governing Body

Please click on the links below to find out more about our Governors

Governing Body 2023-24

Declaration of business Interests


Governing Body Attendance

Governor attendance record 2022-23

Governor attendance record 2021-22

Governor attendance record 2019-20


Governing Body Diversity Statement 

Diversity statement